Posts in Marketing
Niche Your Way To Finding Your Marketing Tribe

I come from a very large tribe; one that has members on almost every continent. It lived together in one village before gradually scattering to the winds, only to come together in new forms. 

Over generations, this tribe has evolved its own symbols, initiation rites, tribal elders, even sacred texts. The texts are central to our community because this tribe revolves around the works of a storyteller. 

You might have heard of him. His name is Neil Gaiman.

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Buzzwords are Bullsh*t. Write How You Actually Talk.

As a lover of words, there’s nothing I hate more than soulless language. Marketing jargon is exactly that; artificial shorthand created to make the user sound more authoritative than he or she actually is. George Carlin famously referred to it as “soft language.”

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How to Captivate Your Audience with an Epic Business Story, Part 2

We’ll be looking at the rest of the elements of the Hero’s Journey and how to apply them to your business story. Then, we’ll take a look at how to get your message across with a style that reflects your brand.

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How to Farm Your Social Media Landscape for Repeat Business: A Freelance Copywriting Giveaway

If you’re a small business owner and/or responsible for driving qualified traffic to your company website, no doubt you’re faced with the problem of deciding where to invest more time and money: search engine optimization (SEO) or social media marketing? The answer is: It depends. It’s important to understand the quality of business each source generates.

The best way for me to explain is through an agricultural allegory.

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